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    Your old passwords will NOT work. You will need to reset your password. This is normal. Just click on reset password from the log in screen. Should be smooth as silk to do...

    Sorry for the hassle.

    Dave Koch
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    Dave Koch
  3. Big Cartoon Forum

    Other Side Of Maleficent

    I have been looking forward to Maleficent with equal amounts of anticipation and dread. On one hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, so cold and so pure, and I want desperately to see more of her and her back-story. On the other hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, and I would hate to see her parodied, taken lightly or ultimately destroyed in a film that does not understand this great character. The good news is that this film almost gets it right; but that is also the bad news.

  4. Big Cartoon Forum

    BCDB Hits 150K Entries

    It took a while, but we are finally here! The Big Cartoon DataBase hit the milestone of 150,000 entries earlier today with the addition of the cartoon The Polish Language. This film was added to BCDB on May 9th, 2014 at 4:23 PM.

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    Warner Brings Back Animated Stone-Age Family

    Funnyman Will Ferrell and partner Adam McKay are working on bringing back everyone’s favorite stone-age family. The duo’s production company Gary Sanchez Productions is in development on a new Flintstones animated feature.

  6. Big Cartoon Forum

    Disney To Feast In France

    The follow up to Disney’s 2013 Academy Award Winning short Paperman has been announced, and it will premiere at France’s Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Titled The Feast, the short looks to be based on the same stylized CG techniques used on last years Paperman, a more natural and hand-drawn look to computer animation.

  7. Big Cartoon Forum

    Renegades of Animation: Pat Sullivan

    Pat Sullivan became famous worldwide for his creation of Felix the Cat. What most animation histories gloss over is Sullivan’s checkered past and longtime standing as a wildcat renegade. He didn’t follow the rules. And he made damn sure to fully protect his intellectual properties.

The Mystery Cartoon Character Game, now with 20% more ongoing.

Discussion in 'Free-For-All' started by oneuglybunny, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Thanks, OUB. Now how about this one, that's totally gone untapped?:

    1. I'm there along with the guy who played Tarzan when a certain duck tried to sneak inside a studio.

    2. I'm also mentioned by a rabbit from the same studio.

    3. Thirty-five years ago at this time, my eyes were immortalized in a classic song everyone knows.
  2. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Can't believe those first three clues were so difficult. Unfortunately, I can only post three more:

    4. I'm not voiced by the real life actress.

    5. I'm not the only movie star to be animated by the studio.

    6. One of my greatest screen roles was a mentor of an up and comer who eventually upstaged me.
  3. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    This is screen legend Bette Davis, one actress that put Warner Brothers Studios on the map before the Screen Actors' Guild turned them all into free agents. Bugs Bunny gives an aside to the audience, "Bette Davis is going to hate me for this," in one of his cartoons. Kim Carnes covered the song "Bette Davis Eyes" in 1981, though songwriter Jackie DeShannon first recorded it in 1974. One of her most memorable roles is that of "Baby" Jane Hudson in the 1962 psychodrama Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?

    Pardon me for taking so long, but I'm trying not to hog all the opportunities.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    It's ok. All that matters is that you got the character right. The short I had in mind was "Hollywood Daffy." Good job. :)
  5. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Nice. :) Oh, how'd we miss him? Fixing time.

    1) This character appears regularly in an animated television cartoon no longer in production.

    2) This character is one of two recurring adversaries to the Good Guy of the series. Apparently, one wreaks criminal mischief while the other worms his way out of Cardboard Prison.

    3) Although most of the characters in this cartoon series are human, this character in particular is not. He speaks English, engineers crimes and dresses nicely, but he's not human.
  6. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Can't even begin to figure this one out.
  7. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Intermediate clues time:

    4) This character is modeled after Roaring Twenties gangsters during the Prohibition era, who liked to flaunt their wealth and status with pinstripe suits and boutonnieres.

    5) Here's another instance where the character's name pretty much locks him into his profession, in this case, as a criminal ne'er-do-well.

    6) This character "made some ink," id est, his likeness appears in an in-universe newspaper.
  8. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    And cupcake clues time:

    7) "When in this world, the headlines read

    8) "Of those whose hearts are filled with greed,

    9) "Who rob and steal from those in need;"
  9. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    I claim this cupcake. It's Riff Raff.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Yes it is, this is Riff Raff, a mobster mastermind who's one of Underdog's principal nemeses, the other being Simon Bar Sinister. Good job, Em. :)
  11. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Thanks, OUB. Now for another untapped one:

    1. I'm a headliner who works closely with my younger siblings following a family tragedy.

    2. Even though I'm no superhero, I live dangerously on and off the road.

    3. My sibs and I have the same last name as a boy who plays a monstrous dice game.
  12. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Guess more clues are required after all:

    4. I'm modeled after a real life professional cyclist.

    5. Among the people I meet in my travels are a teenage runaway, a self-centered rock star, and even an old friend of my dad's.

    6. My series very possibly inspired a later live action show with five orphaned siblings instead of three.
  13. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Ok, if these last three clues don't clinch it, I give up.

    7. My series came on right after an animated series about seven stranded castaways., and just before a live action one about a prehistoric family.

    8. My voice actor previously played one of three who travelled about in a talking race car.

    9. A few days from now, my show will finally be on DVD.
  14. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Jinkies, if this is a cartoon series I watched as a grade-school squibbie, I'm not recognizing it. :wideyed:
    1) "headliner" as in Josie And The Pussycats or Mike, Lu and Og. But with orphans.
    2) "on and off the road" as in license to drive, perhaps? So he's the oldest and technically, the most responsible. So, Nani Pelekai, but with two younger sisters, not one.
    3) The dangerous dice game must be Dungeons And Dragons from 1983, which is infamous for its d20 die of doom. "Roll for initiative."

    4) "real life cyclist" throws out Champion and his aerodynamic nose. The disgraced Lance Armstrong? Has to be; all other European cyclists are easily mistaken for soccer stars here in Eagleland.
    5) So, these orphans Wander The Earth, encountering peculiar weirdos with problems, and probably stop to help. Which may or may not help themselves as a matter of course.
    6) A cartoon series with three orphans inspires a live action series with five orphans. Who turns all these orphans loose? Did they bulldoze the orphanage and turn their charges out into the street? Did nobody check when the parents died if any offspring were left behind?

    7) That would be Filmation's Gilligan's Island on lead-in, and It's About Time on follow-up. Pardon me, but I'm not very TV Guide-y.
    8) The talking race car must be Speed Buggy, so that makes it Mark / Debbie / Tinker. Tink's VA didn't do much before or after, Debbie is a girl, so that leaves Mark's Michael Bell. Oooh, good luck picking through that haystack filmography.
    9) TVShowsOnDVD.com? Okay, here goes...

    Aha, coming Tuesday 24 May is Hanna-Barbera's Devlin series. Michael Bell as the title stunt cyclist Ernie Devlin, modeled after Robert "Evel" Knievel. I remembered bratty half-pint Sandy, but forgot about mechanic Tod. Just out of curiosity, which live series did this inspire?
    Last edited: May 20, 2016
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  15. saltyboot

    saltyboot A Moderating Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Hmmm. I thought "Ernie Devlin" was OUB's answer since he underlined the name in the last paragraph.

    Or am I missing something?
    • Like Like x 1
  16. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    No, I'm the one who was missing something. I was so wrapped up in my work, that I didn't read the whole post.
  17. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Sorry about the previous post, OUB. You got it right, so it's your turn now. Good job. :).

    And as I mentioned in my Devlin thread in the HB forum, it may have inspired
    "Party Of Five."
  18. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    "Party of Five," eh? Never heard of it. Must have been back in the days of Free Range Children. Now to find an untapped character. Euw, okay, this guy will do.

    1) This character is the recurring villain in an animated sub-series that's no longer in production. By "sub-series," I mean it was a six minute cartoon that filled a gap in the headline cartoon series.

    2) The Hero of the series and this dastardly villain routinely meet in a showdown, though they've never actually come to blows.

    3) Playing fair time: this villain is human. He's nasty and mean and loathsome, a very poor example of human, but ... there he is. And playing even fairer: Hanna-Barbera had nothing to do with this cartoon series.
  19. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Can't think of any shows from other studios that had six minute cartoons.
  20. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Aha! I'll bet this is the one. Baron Otto Matic, from "Tom Slick."
    • Winner Winner x 1

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