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    Other Side Of Maleficent

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    Warner Brings Back Animated Stone-Age Family

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    Disney To Feast In France

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    Renegades of Animation: Pat Sullivan

    Pat Sullivan became famous worldwide for his creation of Felix the Cat. What most animation histories gloss over is Sullivan’s checkered past and longtime standing as a wildcat renegade. He didn’t follow the rules. And he made damn sure to fully protect his intellectual properties.

The Mystery Cartoon Character Game, ongoing-ier.

Discussion in 'Free-For-All' started by oneuglybunny, Dec 31, 2014.

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  1. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Oho, I recognize tis one: Susan Murphy, bride-to-be from Monsters Versus Aliens. Her code name is Ginormica, a portmanteau of "giant" and "enormous" with a feminine suffix. She's almost fifty feet tall, so this moniker fits, and Susan later warms to it as she starts gaining self-confidence. She's at first unnerved by her "companions" though "cellmates" would be a more apt term. To be fair, the whole of the secret military prison that houses them is creepy enough for anyone. (Our taxes pay for this?) Galaxhar drains the quantonium from Ginormica's body, which restores her to normal. However, Susan regains the weird stuff to thwart Galaxhar's Evil Plan to subjugate Earthlings everywhere.

    Oh, and she no longer needs her narcissist fiance, either. Ciao, Derek.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. FluidGirl

    FluidGirl Moderator Staff Member Forum Member New Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    First, I would like to offer my condolences to EmeraldIsle. Second, I was gonna guess Fluffy, but I couldn't remember the name of the flippin' movie! I haven't seen Hop, either, but mein sister has a plush Fluffy in her collection (she hasn't seen the movie, either, she just likes the character design). Thirdly, I have no idea what the new character is, I just wanted to throw in the Fluffy thing.
  3. peterhale

    peterhale Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Nicely recognised, OUB - it is indeed Susan Murphy, for all the reasons you give! Over to you...
  4. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Yeah, Box Office Mojo isn't kind to poor Fluffy, either: the film bombed hard on Universal Pictures. And how does one figure audiences? Disney tried the Cute Critter Force idea with G-Force ... which also bombed. Hollywood is a lot like Vegas, only the games are played in near-total darkness, so the players have no idea if they're winning or losing until they've actually won or lost.

    Well, thank you, PeterHale, for tossing me that wonderful cookie called Susan. I get a kick out that one. Now to focus on a known character that everyone's seen 'n' heard. Ah, of course ...

    1) This character began life as a character in a book, that was later ported into an animated feature.

    2) One character insulting another is nothing new, but this character actually calls himself a fool, mainly because he failed to discern an obvious clue.

    3) When a small character attempts to battle a much larger adversary, that's a David-versus-Goliath scenario. Well, this character does the David part against one big nasty Goliath, and includes one of his most memorable lines of defiance.
  5. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Sorry, but once again, I just don't have it.
  6. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Aw, don't tell me I've picked another stumper. No, I won't have it; time to summon all my powers of cluing:

    4) Since this character's creator penned more than one book which included this character, there's naturally been more than one animated adaptation of this character.

    5) In one regard, this character must have had psychic foresight, because he inveigled a docile and decent fellow into a role for which he was patently unqualified, and events turned out that the n00b was instrumental in several plot resolutions thereafter. Of course, considering this character's title, psychic foresight would be in the job description.

    6) As one of many characters on a long journey eastward, this particular character has a habit of going off on some mysterious business, leaving the rest of the troupe to forge on without him. In fairness, though, this character shows up in the nick of time when the good guys could really use the help.
  7. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Well, I thought of one possible right answer earlier. But these latest clues indicate it's not the one I was thinking of.
  8. peterhale

    peterhale Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Well... this sounds to me like Gandalf the Wise, from the works of J R R Tolkien. Rankin/Bass animated The Hobbit in 1977, and Ralph Bakshi brought the first part of The Lord of the Rings to the screen in 1978.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. FluidGirl

    FluidGirl Moderator Staff Member Forum Member New Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    I don't have the slightest idea, but I don't think it was fair to use the phrase "known character everybody's seen 'n heard" because that might not be true.
  10. saltyboot

    saltyboot A Moderating Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    I'm also thinking it is Gandalf. Especially because of clue 6.
  11. Glowworm

    Glowworm Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Yeah, this does sound a lot like Gandalf, now that Pete may have deciphered it. Truthfully, I have never seen the Lord of the Rings movies--although I have seen the Hobbit trilogy.
  12. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    And this would very much be Gandalf the wizard, adapted from the Middle Earth books by J R R Tolkien. He starts out as Gandalf the Grey, known in the shire of hobbits for excellent fireworks. He visits poor but decent Bilbo Baggins, and marks him as a renowned burglar to the dwarves, who have ideas of stealing the treasure hoard of Smaug the dragon piecemeal from Lonely Mountain. Well done, everyone; I'm glad I can pick a recognizable character.

    Oh, FluidGirl? Perhaps not everyone has heard of Gandalf, as you say. But certainly, many more know of him through his portrayal by Ian McKellen than know about Fluffy. There's even a "Zap de Spion" video, number 241, that has KcKellen exhort students to do their best on a math test; otherwise "You. Shall. Not. Pass!" Also, Gandalf calls himself a fool when trying to open the huge doors to the dwarves' Mines of Moria. The doors bear the dwarven message "Speak friend and enter." After trying a number of spells, Gandalf laughs at himself, and says simply, "Mellon!" which is the dwarf word for "friend." It works, doors open.

    So, PeterHale, excellent and thorough researcher, has earned another +1 and control of the board. Bravo!
  13. peterhale

    peterhale Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Okay - here is a character not noted for his originality...

    1) Originally I belonged to a farmer.
    2) A voluble duo frequently give me grief.
    3) I starred in a short-lived series borrowing a format devised for a more famous member of my species.
  14. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Could this possibly be Dimwit, the dog owned by Farmer Alfafa? He was often harassed by Heckle and Jeckle.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. peterhale

    peterhale Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    It is indeed Dimwit - well done, em!

    1) As emeraldisle said, he is Farmer Alfalfa's dog.
    2) Likewise, he appears as a foil to Heckle and Jeckle (the Talking Magpies) in their cartoons.
    3) In the 50s he is elevated from anthropomorphic dog to surrogate-human dog in a series of three films - "How To Keep Cool", "How to Relax" and "Daddy's Little Darling" - based on the format originally devised by Jack Kinney for Goofy.
  16. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Thanks, Pete. Now, here's one who deserves a place on the list:

    1. I'm the big sister of the protagonist

    2. My parents and I are separated from him en route to America.

    3. I refuse to give up looking for my brother, knowing that he's somewhere out there.
  17. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Ping. This is Tanya Mousekewicz, from Don Bluth's An American Tail. Made during the ascendancy of Sullivan-Bluth Studios of Ireland, when Don Bluth, Gary Goldman and John Pomeroy escaped from the mouse-machine of Disney to make their own visionary animated features.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Yes, OUB, you got it again. All clues are self-explanatory, so you get another turn. Great job. :)
  19. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Ah, at long last, I reach the 100 Correct Answer plateau. Which took me long enough. Of course, I'm up against some of the finest cartoon minds on Earth, so I'm lagging behind fine company. And to celebrate ...

    1) This character has appeared in two regularly televised animated series, the second being a derivative of the first with a significant change of venue.

    2) This character started out in comic books, and got a huge makeover in being adapted into animation. Fortunately, this character is a human girl, so she's likely used to makeovers.

    3) Normally, female characters are immune to slapstick and other whammies, often having a Dirt Forcefield. Not this one; in her day, she took a goodly share of bump-bang-boom and other Amusing Injuries. No broken bones or bleeding or anything severe, of course.
  20. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Aha! If I know my female toons as well as I do, it's Alexandra Cabot.
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