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    Other Side Of Maleficent

    I have been looking forward to Maleficent with equal amounts of anticipation and dread. On one hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, so cold and so pure, and I want desperately to see more of her and her back-story. On the other hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, and I would hate to see her parodied, taken lightly or ultimately destroyed in a film that does not understand this great character. The good news is that this film almost gets it right; but that is also the bad news.

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    BCDB Hits 150K Entries

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    Warner Brings Back Animated Stone-Age Family

    Funnyman Will Ferrell and partner Adam McKay are working on bringing back everyone’s favorite stone-age family. The duo’s production company Gary Sanchez Productions is in development on a new Flintstones animated feature.

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    Disney To Feast In France

    The follow up to Disney’s 2013 Academy Award Winning short Paperman has been announced, and it will premiere at France’s Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Titled The Feast, the short looks to be based on the same stylized CG techniques used on last years Paperman, a more natural and hand-drawn look to computer animation.

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    Renegades of Animation: Pat Sullivan

    Pat Sullivan became famous worldwide for his creation of Felix the Cat. What most animation histories gloss over is Sullivan’s checkered past and longtime standing as a wildcat renegade. He didn’t follow the rules. And he made damn sure to fully protect his intellectual properties.

Meet The Invisible Dog.

Discussion in 'Hanna-Barbera' started by emeraldisle, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Now my thoughts about "Goober And The Ghost Chasers."

    This series was looked upon as another "Scooby" clone. But, as I observed, most of the ghosts the Ghost Chasers encountered were real. Goober's ability to turn invisible and back was something else that set him apart from Scooby-Doo. Plus, the episodes with Wilt Chamberlain, a pre-"Shazam!" Michael Gray, and last, but not least, the Partridge Kids(sans Keith) made the show totally memorable.

    My favorite episodes were "The Wicked Witch Dog," and "The Ghost Ship," which featured two pirate ghosts, one a good guy, and one a bad guy. Not to mention "The Singing Ghost," which had the wackiest plot of all: Everyone kept getting their voices switched, just because a ghost wanted to sing with Danny's voice.

    The one episode I took issue with was "The Haunted Wax Museum," in which Tina interviewed a talking wax figure of Jack The Ripper. H-B, if you knew what that guy did, you'd have thought twice before putting him on a kiddie show.

    As I mentioned in another thread, the show predated the current "Ghost Adventures" on The Travel Channel. Both of these have human trios using high tech equipment to track ghosts. Ted, the leader is like Zak Bagans. Tina could be considered a female Aaron Goodwin, and Gilly, with camera in hand, is the animated version of Nick Groff. As for Goober, he's the title character, so I give him credit where credit is due. So I can say this show impressed me favorably.
  2. artytoons

    artytoons Administrator I SUPPORT BCDB! Forum Member New Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    The Partridge Kids appearances were good enough for Hanna-Barbera to give them a series of their own later..."Partridge Family 2200 AD" (aka "Partridge Family in Outer Space").

    Gilly was the anti-Shaggy...instead of running away scared, he was too dedicated to his job as photographer in snapping photos up close at the ghosts' faces enough for poor Goober to yank him away by force to get out of danger.

    Goober barked like a dog in front of his human Ghost Chasers Magazine pals and ghostly foes but made side comments about the ghosts and the ensuing chase scenes in English language to the home audience ("This is ri-dic-a-lic-a-lic-us!!"), courtesy of Paul Winchell doing a Bert Lahr/Snagglepuss-type characterization.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  3. MattPriceTime

    MattPriceTime Intern Forum Member New Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Goober and the Ghost Chasers, this is one that was a bit alien to me. While i don't have any direct memories of watching the show in my youth, i suppose it's possible i did and it's just buried somewhere deep in my mind. I first remember getting to know their was a goober online and during when CN did the golden anvils. Since Scooby had a lifetime achievement award, Goober was used to pat the categories that even me as a aging but still in youth knew the CN originals were going to sweep. (funny enough the villain nominee from Goober was a character shown in the opening credits not even in the actual show nor ever really named lol)

    So my first true chance to see Goober was on DVD. I liked lots of the meddling kids shows, so i picked it up. I enjoy the take of this show, there's still some normal fake ghosts, but the addition of real ghosts is cool. The guest star approach to me at first did leave me a little annoyed, since i was looking forward to Goober and the Ghost Chasers episodes with you know just Goober and the Ghost Chasers? And some like that were indeed done, so overall i got over that gripe. The Partridge kids did provide some good moments as time went on too.

    Goober himself is pretty funny. His kids are okay, not really making any favorite character lists or anything but a good bunch for this type of show. The voice switching episode to me is this show's golden spot. I crack up routinely for it. But overall the show's pretty good. I don't regret my believed blind buy of it.
  4. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Trivia Question 76: What baked good did the ghost of Lucy the magician mention to show her frustration?
  5. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Trivia Answer: She said, "Fudgecake!" When it materialized, her pet rabbit said, "I wish you'd said carrot cake."

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