1. Big Cartoon Forum

    Renegades of Animation: Pat Sullivan

    Pat Sullivan became famous worldwide for his creation of Felix the Cat. What most animation histories gloss over is Sullivan’s checkered past and longtime standing as a wildcat renegade. He didn’t follow the rules. And he made damn sure to fully protect his intellectual properties.

  2. Big Cartoon Forum

    You WIll Need To Reset Your Password!!!

    We just moved hosts on this system, and this has caused a few updates. One is the way we encode and store the encoded passwords.

    Your old passwords will NOT work. You will need to reset your password. This is normal. Just click on reset password from the log in screen. Should be smooth as silk to do...

    Sorry for the hassle.

    Dave Koch
  3. Big Cartoon Forum

    Are You Just Hanging Out?

    Just lurking? Join the club, we'd love to have you in the Big Cartoon Forum! Sign up is easy- just enter your name and password.... or join using your Facebook account!

    Membership has it's privileges... you can post and get your questions answered directly. But you can also join our community, and help other people with their questions, You can add to the discussion. And it's free! So join today!

    Dave Koch
  4. Big Cartoon Forum

    Other Side Of Maleficent

    I have been looking forward to Maleficent with equal amounts of anticipation and dread. On one hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, so cold and so pure, and I want desperately to see more of her and her back-story. On the other hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, and I would hate to see her parodied, taken lightly or ultimately destroyed in a film that does not understand this great character. The good news is that this film almost gets it right; but that is also the bad news.

  5. Big Cartoon Forum

    BCDB Hits 150K Entries

    It took a while, but we are finally here! The Big Cartoon DataBase hit the milestone of 150,000 entries earlier today with the addition of the cartoon The Polish Language. This film was added to BCDB on May 9th, 2014 at 4:23 PM.

  6. Big Cartoon Forum

    Warner Brings Back Animated Stone-Age Family

    Funnyman Will Ferrell and partner Adam McKay are working on bringing back everyone’s favorite stone-age family. The duo’s production company Gary Sanchez Productions is in development on a new Flintstones animated feature.

  7. Big Cartoon Forum

    Disney To Feast In France

    The follow up to Disney’s 2013 Academy Award Winning short Paperman has been announced, and it will premiere at France’s Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Titled The Feast, the short looks to be based on the same stylized CG techniques used on last years Paperman, a more natural and hand-drawn look to computer animation.

  8. Big Cartoon Forum

    Renegades of Animation: Pat Sullivan

    Pat Sullivan became famous worldwide for his creation of Felix the Cat. What most animation histories gloss over is Sullivan’s checkered past and longtime standing as a wildcat renegade. He didn’t follow the rules. And he made damn sure to fully protect his intellectual properties.

  9. Big Cartoon Forum

    You WIll Need To Reset Your Password!!!

    We just moved hosts on this system, and this has caused a few updates. One is the way we encode and store the encoded passwords.

    Your old passwords will NOT work. You will need to reset your password. This is normal. Just click on reset password from the log in screen. Should be smooth as silk to do...

    Sorry for the hassle.

    Dave Koch

Dancer-actor Buddy Ebsen dies at 95

Discussion in 'In Memoriam...' started by eminovitz, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. eminovitz

    eminovitz Research Guru / Moderator Emeritus

    Jul 7, 2003

    Dancer-actor Buddy Ebsen, who died Sunday morning at 95, was well-known for his roles on the big and little screen...as Paul Roberts (Shirley Temple's dance partner) in Captain January, as Jed in The Beverly Hillbillies, as the star of Barnaby Jones.

    But he also had voice roles in a couple of cartoons.

    Buddy was Squire Badger (the narrator) in the NBC Christmas special The Tiny Tree (DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, 1975).

    Much more recently, he had a guest shot (as "Chet Elderson") in the King of the Hill episode A Fire Fighting We Will Go (Film Roman Productions, 1999).

    Ebsen also did some live work for Disney in the 1950s (as Davy Crockett's friend George Russell).

    Buddy very nearly played Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz, but he had a bad reaction to the aluminum paint during filming and had to be replaced by Jack Haley. I heard it was very lucky that he didn't die back then of aluminum poisoning.
  2. artytoons

    artytoons Administrator I SUPPORT BCDB! Forum Member New Member

    Talented actor and dancer.

    Author Ric Meyers who wrote books on tv detective series respectfully compared the joys of Ebsen's "Barnaby Jones" series to the fun of watching a Droopy Dog cartoon.

    "Barnaby Jones" starred Ebsen as a retired private eye who comes out of retirement to investigate the murder of his son who also was a private detective and resuming his detective career after bringing his son's killer to justice. Like "Columbo" and the detectives of "Law & Order: Criminal Intent", the stories started with the tv viewers seeing the guest star bad guys planning and carrying out their crimes that usually end up in murder. The stories then switched back and forth from the detective(s) investigating the crimes to the bad guys doing everything to cover their tracks and get away. The wrap-up usually had the detectives piecing together the clues and the witness/suspect/accomplice interviews to capture the bad guys at the end. A Watch-Them-Do It mystery since the tv viewers know Whodunit.

    For the Droopy/Barnaby comparisons...The evil wolves/bad guys would do the dirty deeds and frantically do everything to escape...and everywhere they go, they would turn around and see droopy old Barnaby standing behind them and asking them questions about the crime. The bad guys did all of the panicking and running while calm cool Barnaby would quietly conduct his investigation, interviewing witnesses, gathering evidence, and discussing theories with his daughter-in-law/office secretary Betty (Lee Meriwether), his cousin/assistant J.R. (Mark Shera), and his police contact Lt. Biddle (John Carter). Eventually Barnaby would catch up to villains, confront them with the evidence, and catching the bad guys at the end.

    "Barnaby Jones" ran from 1973 to 1980 on CBS. A Quinn Martin production. Great show.

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