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    You WIll Need To Reset Your Password!!!

    We just moved hosts on this system, and this has caused a few updates. One is the way we encode and store the encoded passwords.

    Your old passwords will NOT work. You will need to reset your password. This is normal. Just click on reset password from the log in screen. Should be smooth as silk to do...

    Sorry for the hassle.

    Dave Koch
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    Membership has it's privileges... you can post and get your questions answered directly. But you can also join our community, and help other people with their questions, You can add to the discussion. And it's free! So join today!

    Dave Koch
  3. Big Cartoon Forum

    Other Side Of Maleficent

    I have been looking forward to Maleficent with equal amounts of anticipation and dread. On one hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, so cold and so pure, and I want desperately to see more of her and her back-story. On the other hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, and I would hate to see her parodied, taken lightly or ultimately destroyed in a film that does not understand this great character. The good news is that this film almost gets it right; but that is also the bad news.

  4. Big Cartoon Forum

    BCDB Hits 150K Entries

    It took a while, but we are finally here! The Big Cartoon DataBase hit the milestone of 150,000 entries earlier today with the addition of the cartoon The Polish Language. This film was added to BCDB on May 9th, 2014 at 4:23 PM.

  5. Big Cartoon Forum

    Warner Brings Back Animated Stone-Age Family

    Funnyman Will Ferrell and partner Adam McKay are working on bringing back everyone’s favorite stone-age family. The duo’s production company Gary Sanchez Productions is in development on a new Flintstones animated feature.

  6. Big Cartoon Forum

    Disney To Feast In France

    The follow up to Disney’s 2013 Academy Award Winning short Paperman has been announced, and it will premiere at France’s Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Titled The Feast, the short looks to be based on the same stylized CG techniques used on last years Paperman, a more natural and hand-drawn look to computer animation.

  7. Big Cartoon Forum

    Renegades of Animation: Pat Sullivan

    Pat Sullivan became famous worldwide for his creation of Felix the Cat. What most animation histories gloss over is Sullivan’s checkered past and longtime standing as a wildcat renegade. He didn’t follow the rules. And he made damn sure to fully protect his intellectual properties.

Seventies Moralizing

Discussion in 'Television Discussions' started by Dave Koch, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Dave Koch

    Dave Koch Cartoon Admin

    Oct 27, 2013
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    What is your opinion of the moralizing that went on in children's programing during the seventies? At the time, I approved of it, and my parents approved, especially of Filmation's Tarzan. Looking back on it, I don't approve. THey seemed to be wanting to stear us on a rediculously narrow moral pathway. Tae the numerous admonishions agaisnt cheating in cartoons. I actually took those messages to heart as a kid--but an incident occurred during my childhood that left me feeling betrayed. It didn't work that way in real life. KIds today are lucky this doesn't go on.

    It was Filmation, it seems that was partiularly "bad" in regard to moralizing. It also seemed like they repeatedly warned kids against the "evils" of practical joking,(wasn't there a character called "mr. Prankster" on Yogi's Gang? Don't remeber the episode, but I can guess what it was about.) when some of the most popular characters in cartoons are practical jokers. THere was one filmation character in particular who revealed the hypocrisy latent within these messages. This was the character of Hauntleroy on Groovie Goolies. I remember Hauntleroy was this fat priggish kid, who tried to stop two nasty kids (I forget their names) from playing pranks on the other Goolies. Always, Hauntlereoy ended up taking the flack for the mischeivous twosome. For the life of me, I could not understand why the "good guy" character got the worst of it. I still don't know, but it shows the hypocrisy of Filmation.

    I remember the Fat Albert kids singing a song called "A joke isn't a joke if it hurts someone." I found out in real life, some jokes are really mean, but sometimes the person who's hurt is just taking the joke a little too seriously. As I often did after seeing these phony moral messages.
  2. artytoons

    artytoons Administrator I SUPPORT BCDB! Forum Member New Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    I have no problems with the life lessons taught in those shows. There may be times when gentle reminders might be needed on ways to handle a sensitive situation. I do not think my ego is above it all to roll my eyes at those cartoon shows and to think the lesson of the day in those shows would not apply to me at any given time. The "Fat Albert" show probably was the best example in blending the lessons of the day with nicely written humor to get the point across.

    With the abundance of online trolls, psychological and physical bullying, violent video shooting and fighting games, committing infractions of the law to gain "street cred" among one's peers, insufferable egos, sports trashtalking and unsportsmanlike conduct penalties, and talking back at or shouting down one's parents, guardians, and authority figures who disagree...those entertaining cartoon show reminders to improve one's behavior and civility seem lacking in the media...and at home...these days.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2014
  3. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    The two kids who used Hauntleroy as their foil were Ratso and Batso. And I think the Fat Albert gang was actually saying that some jokes cause physical injuries, not just emotional ones.

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