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Searching the title of a Tom and Jerry cartoon

Discussion in 'MGM' started by crispy_lip, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. crispy_lip

    crispy_lip Newbie New Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    I am looking for the title of a one of the older Tom and Jerry cartoons (1940/1950s) that I saw 30-35 years ago on a Tom and Jerry VHS compilation in my country.
    The only detail I remember was that the black housemaid somehow ends up on top of the hot stove burner. In which cartoon did this happen?
  2. Raynold453

    Raynold453 Newbie New Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    this was happened long time ago. I even can't remember that name.
  3. crispy_lip

    crispy_lip Newbie New Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    But that described scenario definitely did happen in one of those cartoons, didn't it?
    Do you remember anything else about that cartoon that might help me find out which exact one? Is it available on any of the official Tom and Jerry DVD box-sets / compilations?
    Come on, Tom and Jerry experts, help me find the title of this cartoon. I've sporadically gone through a couple doussins of them now and so far no luck finding that one.
  4. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Well, I've gone through the Tom And Jerry Spotlight Collection, and the black housemaid, Mammy Two-Shoes by name, never ends up atop a hot stove. Violence against women, especially in cartoons of the Fifties, was taboo. The closest to the hot stove gag I know occurs in Disney's 101 Dalmatians, when Horace has a throw rug pulled out from under his feet, and ends up sitting in a lit fireplace. His face gets redder as his "cheeks" get hotter. The worst Mammy ever got was a dousing of water, from a pitcher lobbed by a drunken Tom Cat in the cartoon "Part Time Pal."
  5. crispy_lip

    crispy_lip Newbie New Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Hmm... That is odd. I mean I remember that particular scene so clearly. Does the Spotlight Collection pretty much contain every single T&J cartoon throughout the 40s/50s, or are there some omissions? If so, maybe the one I saw could be one of those not included in the set.
  6. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Yes, the Spotlight Collection contains almost every Tom and Jerry cartoon made at MGM Studios by cartoon legends Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera. The only two missing from this set are His Mouse Friday, which is set in a remote jungle where a hot stove hasn't been discovered yet; and Mouse Cleaning, where Mammy Two Shoes only appears at the beginning to caution Tom that she expects her house to be kept clean, then at the end when Jerry causes Tom to fail at this directive spectacularly. These two cartoons have been deemed too racially insensitive to ever see the light of day again.

    Tom and Jerry later ended up being animated at Rembrandt Studios in Europe, though there's no Mammy Two-Shoes in these cartoons. Later still, Tom and Jerry were animated at Chuck Jones' Tower 12 Productions, and these likewise had no Mammy in them.

    Perhaps, this is one of the Fred "Tex" Avery cartoons that were also produced at MGM Studios. Tex Avery had no qualms about depicting hot fanny gags such as the one you're seeking.
  7. crispy_lip

    crispy_lip Newbie New Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Thanks for clarifying! Between which years were the Tex Avery Tom & Jerry cartoons made and are they available on any DVDs? I searched on Google for some kind of list of the titles but all I find is some LP soundtrack record featuring music, "Tom and Jerry and Tex Avery Too". :confused:
  8. saltyboot

    saltyboot A Moderating Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Tex Avery directed the MGM cartoons from 1942-53. However, he didn't direct Tom & Jerry. He directed Droopy, as well as others.
    His MGM Droopy cartoons can be found in Tex Avery's Droopy: The Complete Theatrical Collection.
    I don't think his non-Droopy cartoons are available on DVD.
  9. crispy_lip

    crispy_lip Newbie New Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Oh, I must have misunderstood the other poster then. I thought he/she meant that the cartoon I was searching was possibly a Tex Avery production. But I am nearly 100% sure I did see this cartoon I described, and it really was a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Towards the end of the cartoon, the housemaid is thrown onto the hot stove burner. It's possible it wasn't the housemaid, but she is the only human I remember from these old Tom and Jerry cartoons. But someone definitely ended up on top of the stove burner, I'm quite sure of that.
  10. Bill Lewis

    Bill Lewis Animator Forum Member New Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    I think I got it,The Lonesome Mouse (1943).It has the scene originally mentioned in the first post.For some reason, I always remembered Mammy's "whoop whoop whoop''when Jerry turned on the stove! And,by the way,this was one of the few T&J cartoons where the characters spoke,in fact,Jerry was a real chatterbox in this one.
  11. Bill Lewis

    Bill Lewis Animator Forum Member New Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Oh,and according to Wikipedia,it's available in the Spotlight (Vol.2) and Golden (Vol.1) collections.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
  12. crispy_lip

    crispy_lip Newbie New Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    @Bill Lewis Awesome! Thank you so much! I looked it up on YouTube and that is indeed the cartoon I remembered. So despite of what was said, it turned out it was in the Spotlight Collection all along. I need to go pick up a copy of that now. :)
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  13. Bill Lewis

    Bill Lewis Animator Forum Member New Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Yes,it's definitely in Spotlight Vol.2, I'm holding it in my hand right now, on Disc 1.Glad I could help!

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